Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hello everyone,

As many of you know, a devastating tsunami hit japan the day before last. We were in Otsuchi, waiting for boats to come into port with porpoises. We felt the earthquake and headed for higher ground immediately.
It is a very long story and one that should not be told until we have rested and are back safely in North America.
I'd like everyone to know that we are safe after trekking through through unimaginable devastation.

We are currently in Tono, Iwate Prefecture awaiting help from outside sources.

All of the Cove Guardians are in need of monetary support to leave Japan. A large portion of funds went towards renting vehicles that we had to abandon on a mountainside. Please, if you can offer any support, we are in need of it now!

I will have updates as soon as possible.

For The Oceans,


  1. What is the best way to get funds to you? Through Sea Shepherd?

    Thoughts and prayers for all those in Japan and for the safety and well being of the CGs and a safe return home. I am so glad you guys are safe.

  2. Hey Gina,
    You can donate here on my blog (to the right hand side *Donate* button), or you can donate at

    Thank you! We are very lucky to be alive!

  3. we are not hearing anything about the bodies, any animals, nothing of what i am reading is being said in t.v. why???/
    What has happened to all the elderly and the catson cat island?? how are all the animals, farm animals? domestics?
