Monday, November 7, 2011

Assault by Dolphin Molesters

On November 6th we witnessed another slaughter. Although there were marine warnings for fog and gale force winds the molesters disregarded them and set out to sea. It did not take long for the killers to spot dolphins and start driving. The dolphins fought for an hour or more, almost escaping more than once. We documented as they drove at least 8 Risso dolphins into the cove and slaughtered them. We watched as two dolphins were caught in the nets and were dragged by their tails towards their dying family members under the tarps.

We then headed to the butcher house where the molesters have covered every spare inch with tarps and screens, shamefully covering what they like to refer to as their proud culture. They severed the dolphin's heads, sliced up their bodies and transferred their remains to buyers who keep their faces hidden. Some culture.

As Rosie and I were on the pier taking photographs of the butcher house a banger boat came towards us. The fisherman, affectionately known as "Turtle Man" due to an incident last year where he shoved a Cove Guardian but fell over himself, laying on the ground flailing his limbs; started screaming at us in Japanese. After tying his boat he immediately came our way, still screaming and shoved us. He hit us each a number of times and used his body to attempt to remove us from their pier. He also broke my camera in the process. 11 police officers including safety police, Wakayama Prefecture police, and riot police joined in the fray. It was interesting to note that Rosie and I were taken away by the police, but Masayuki (the fisherman) received no attention. We spent the next 6 hours in the police station giving our testimonies, while Masayuki provided his in a contained room. The incident was caught on film.

                                         After shoving us - Masayuki attempts to intimidate Rosie

Rosie and I have spent much time at the police station in the past two days. We have had to provide testimonies, an incident report, and interestingly enough had to reenact the entire event. It was rather humorous to realize that they had literally set out the entire scene. All that was missing was the banger boat. A blue tarp marked "Sea" cleared up any doubts we may have had about the location of the ocean.

Since November 6th the dolphin molesters have gone out to sea twice to hunt for dolphins. Each day they returned empty handed as the will of nature intervened. They spent hours chasing white caps, wasting their time, energy and money.

For the Oceans,

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